March 26, 2025 Daily Awesome News

Everything To Know About Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is more like a preventive measure that promotes the fetus’s health and proper condition. When a woman suspects pregnancy, she must start taking utmost care of herself by making necessary changes in her diet and lifestyle. Consultation with the doctor and a health expert at an early stage is also vital because it helps chart out the diet, exercises, and proper medication. 

If there are pre-existing health issues such as diabetes, high B.P, etc., it should be taken care of as early as possible to avoid any infant complications. Additionally, pregnant women must keep off the harmful substances as soon as they confirm pregnancy. Lead intakes and radiation exposures are primary causes of childbirth complications, and they must be avoided at all costs. 

Similarly, self-medication must be stopped because unprescribed salt can be detrimental to the infant’s health. Smoking and drinking are some other habits that have been proved to cause chronic illness in newborns. Besides this, essential micronutrients such as vitamins and folic acid help avoid memory loss and coordination issues. Some other prenatal examinations call for routine monitoring and doctor visits.

Different types of prenatal examinations

Prenatal care Singapore requires regular doctor visits, and the frequency depends upon the medical history or risk level in the mothers. Suppose the mother is labeled as high risk. In that case, she must visit the obstetrician four to six times a month for the first two trimesters to closely monitor the fetus’s growth and development and ensure that it is free of any medical issues.

Similarly, mothers who are at low risk should visit their doctors a couple of times a month. Here is a list of some physical tests run on pregnant women to monitor the growth and keep an eye on the medical condition.

  • Collection of mother’s medical history: Medical history is important to understand the mother’s physiology and treatment patterns. It also highlights the important allergies and any such medications that might be harmful to the fetus. Additionally, chronic diseases such as diabetes are monitored accordingly to avoid any future complications. Medical history also helps when women switch to a new doctor.

  • Blood pressure monitoring: High or low blood pressure are both detrimental to the fetus’s health. Improper blood pressure is one of the most common problems among mothers, and it is caused mostly due to pregnancy medications. Therefore, regular B.P monitoring is crucial to avoid any future health issues.

  • Height and weight check: Height and weight check help in understanding the body’s response and adaptability. A routine record of weight helps in assuring the healthy development of the fetus. If the weight seems to drop unnaturally, necessary steps are taken to restore normalcy.

  • Pelvic exam: Pelvic dilation is vital for smooth childbirth. If the pelvic hasn’t dilated to a recommended level at a particular time, the mother might be considered for a cesarean. Almost twenty-five percent of pregnant women today opt for the cesarean for healthy childbirth.

  • Blood and urine test: A blood test is crucial in monitoring the diseases and blood sugar level. Urine tests help identify any pathogen living in the body that might be harmful to the fetus.


in Health
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